Welcome again to everybody! Please sit down, stay awhile and enjoy our groups most honoured tradition, our weekly discussion thread! Oh and if you find the giant spoon, please let me know, I seem to have miss placed it when changing the thread over this week.

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  • Neptium
    1111 months ago

    Also of course another Malaysian Chinese guy that blew up in anglosphere internet (Nigel Ng) has to lean onto anti-Chinese sentiment (social credit, cancelled, Taiwan province etc) meme to woo over Western simpletons.

    I read a comment months ago about how “overseas Chinese” are meticulously planning for the downfall of socialist China and you know what this only gives credence to that.

    Obviously I don’t believe that wholeheartedly but ffs these people make it too easy to think that way.

    I mean comedians are petty bourgeois anyways so what am I really expecting.