William Z. Foster also spat in Khruschev’s face on his death bed.

Khruschev never attended his funeral in Moscow after that.

  • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
    -11 year ago

    Neoliberalism emerged from anti-communism and the 1970s stagflation crisis as well. The social reforms were the only thing blocking the stagflation.

    • @Lemmy_Mouse
      31 year ago

      This is incorrect. The social reforms cost the capitalist class money which amounts to liquidity as well as having to share capital. When the recession in the 1970s occurred, the US was in debt it could not pay due to the social reforms it enforced during FDR’s time as well as the wars in Korea and Vietnam. When the dominos fell, our class came up short and the capitalists pushed through their “reforms” which did away with FDR’s new deal.

        • @Lemmy_Mouse
          11 year ago

          No of course not, the reaction to it wasn’t either to a large degree I’m willing to wager. Capitalists aren’t very good at making and sticking to plans. Their economic instincts revolve around opportunism and observation. Watching the market with fists full of cash, waiting for an opportunity, then pouncing.

          • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
            01 year ago

            Well, there you go: it wasn’t the CP’s fault.

            • @Lemmy_Mouse
              11 year ago

              Then you aren’t paying attention to the entire conversation, only the latest bit of it. Political momentary hyperfocus is an aspect of liberalism btw. The behest to ignore the big picture, to only follow the latest trends, what’s for sale, etc…

              • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
                01 year ago

                Yes, that’s the bourgeois. They only adapted to the situation while there were no communists.

                • @Lemmy_Mouse
                  1 year ago

                  No, that’s you I’m describing just now. And there are always communists, it’s just a matter of how many and what they are doing.

                  • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
                    01 year ago

                    There are not always communists. That is factually incorrect. And there may be few.