Is it still gonna be Fidel again?

Also, off-topic but I despise this thumbnail for many reasons.

  • alunyanneгs 🏳️‍⚧️♀️OP
    171 year ago

    I wish there was some kind of AI extension that detected thumbnails with faces like those and either:

    a) replaced them with another thumbnail

    b) removed those videos from your recommendations

    Because by god I hate this trend of putting slack-jawed faces on thumbnails of your vids.

      • alunyanneгs 🏳️‍⚧️♀️OP
        71 year ago

        It seems to affect all the videos though, rather than just the SEO face ones. Still, thanks.

        Though, why does the extension look like Among Us? 😶😶😶

        • loathesome dongeater
          1 year ago

          rather than just the SEO face ones

          All YouTube thumbnails are clickbait these days

      • @redtea
        71 year ago

        The screenshots of the app working are funny. Clips from the videos are still in YouTube face! How do these YouTubers keep that up throughout their videos?

      • Better Red Than Dead
        21 year ago

        dont use youtube, used piped, invidious etc. i believe you can even change it on the website settings but idk