• @Lemmy_Mouse
    241 year ago

    On Telegram we’re 90% sure it hit the dome, it just didn’t penetrate. Likely due to the weight of payload limitations of drones.

    Many are rightly jumpy about this. This hasn’t happened in a very long time. Russian natives are telling the concerned who have turned cynical to pipe down or step up and do better themselves. It is not a good time on Telegram info channels.

    The strategy being deployed by Kremlin officials has clearly come with risks, and those risks have not been adequately addressed. The alternative is these risks were accepted as they knew the drones could not penetrate. This is still a troubling sign to have to allow even an impotent assault on the Kremlin.

    Kremlin members have verbally lashed out referencing revenge and a desire to kill Zelensky and his entourage, however I hope thoughts are also being expressed to keep themselves alive throughout this war.

    Since the 1940s, Russia has known the primary strategy utilized against them by the western bourgeoisie; Fight them militarily via proxy puppet regimes, and fight them economically by capturing the world economy and turning it against them. For decades we’ve watched/read of Russia taking their bait, only fighting the puppet regimes and never addressing the cause of the world’s problems - the cause of their problems also. This weakness culminated in the 1980s when fascist reformists finished their take over of the Soviet state and sealed any chance Russia had of defeating the west. The traitors broke up the Soviet Union, severely weakening and exposing Russia to enemies on all sides save for Belarus. Now Russia is stripped of it’s peripheries and is still the primary target of the western bourgeoisie who have a collection of sock puppet regimes surrounding them.

    Despite this, Russia can still win, and easily so. They simply have to choose to accept victory instead of insisting on a power balance, an equal yet sovereign partnership with the western (imperial) bourgeoisie. Anyone who has studied even the simplest of Marxist texts knows the futility of idealistic whim. Anyone with a scientific orientation understands the west to be self-centered, chauvinistic, and ruthless by it’s nature, thus again demonstrating the futility of the Russian state and bourgeois’ idealistic whims. Victory must be accepted by the Russian bourgeois and state. Outside from this, the Russian people are already ready.

    As so, if “modern Russia” falls, it will be because of the failures of the liberals in charge. The weakening of the Russian Empire turned Soviet Union (Russian land) began with the traitor and revisionist Khrushchev and continued until Yeltsin. Putin attempted to regain lost land however the damage done by these liberal traitors and the inferiority of bourgeois nationalism failed Russia. There can be no other explanation.

    Maria Zakharova has expressed the recognition by the Kremlin of the true enemy in this fight being NATO and most notably the US and UK. The question I am sure is on everyone’s mind is, will Russia finally correct their mistakes from the Cold War and kill the imperial capitalists responsible for this war against Russia?

    I hate to make my comment sound reflective of a newscast however that is exactly what this scenario is at this point - an open question, from history and the peoples of the world to Russia. “Will you do what must be done this time or is Russia over?”

    • SovereignState
      81 year ago

      Great comment.

      I am sure a protracted proxy conflict is not what the pro-SMO proletarians and communists had in mind.