Judging by the sound delay, the explosion was likely up to 5 miles away. BBC interviewed locals, who claimed that the shock waves were so powerful they might have died if they were just outside. Zelenskyy’s delusional war is suicidal, this must end

Target was most likely a large ammunition depot. Judging by the sheer amount, that was their storage for their entire spring counteroffensive. Welp.

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    81 year ago

    As for “would have to replace it first” - they will. I’ve been waiting for NATO to run out of shells about as long as UA flag twitterati been waiting for Russia to run out of missiles. Donetsk is still getting shelled, people still die.

    You thought entire NATO would be off the ammo in a short time?

    And China is now offering peace! To zelensky personally!

    And he apparently answered he wants Crimea back, which i bet was what Xi expected to hear, but he made the honest effort and it counts, this is powerful ammo for China diplomacy.