The embodiment of western leftists.

You got a person recognizing that the BBC is an untrustworthy news outlet, but somehow their reporting on foreign enemies is factual?

You got a person who recognizes that they live in a POST-soviet country, but still blames socialism for their lack of rights?

The usual beliefs about all the lies on China.

Responds with “tankie” when they can’t respond.

And really funnily, in one thread, when asked about a list of supposed atrocities, the person linked a nonsensical meme totally unrelated to the subject.

  • QueerCommie
    41 year ago

    What was the image posted? Mods have removed it.

      • @ihaveibs
        121 year ago

        People realize getting murdered by reactionaries for your identity isn’t a thing in China right? Like, sure the “representation” and “acceptance” isn’t there, but nobody is gonna blow your brains out in the street because of who you are.

      • @CannotSleep420
        81 year ago

        How can something be run by multiple autocrats? I thought the word “autocrat” implied only one person was in charge.