So they’re gonna try to kill this guy, right?

  • SovereignStateOP
    1 year ago

    Can’t wait for that discourse. “Well we have to execute him, he’s a libertarian after all” lmao

    I’m pretty sure Snowden swung that way too and I consider his ass a hero. The absolute bloodthirst from “liberals” re: him and Assange is incredible, and I’m sure it’ll never change.

    • @ihaveibs
      171 year ago

      I always just think about shit like this where it’s like what the hell is stopping people from fighting back but I know part of it is they will put you all over the news, publicly shame you (the greatest fear of most Westerners) and make your family’s lives hell. And yet people have the gall to portray other countries as “authoritarian”

    • @supersolid_snake
      71 year ago

      The whole thing is them protecting their narcissism. It’s not like the victims of imperial power need the leaks to show them the evils of empire. It’s just whistleblowers like Assange, Snowden, Hersh etc show libs a mirror and their self-image of democracy, peace, and freedom utterly collapses. No more plausible deniability. That incites utter hatred from libs.