Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. Ho ho ho. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

Matrix homeserver at genzedong.org. See this thread for information about our Matrix space. Discord here.

Short reading list for new MLs here. To find theory, try z-lib, libgen, or Sci-Hub (for scientific articles). If an article is unavailable, try the Wayback Machine.

  • 小莱卡
    61 year ago

    Don’t you love getting harrassed constantly with phone calls by banks offering credit cards?

    Like now even my phone provider ( literally an official phone ) is offering credit cards from american express, like wtf?

    • @Shrike502
      11 year ago

      Credit cards, suspicious dental services, some weirdo org inviting to some weirdo meeting. Yeah. And if pressed where they got my number from, it’s always “it was selected randomly by a computer”