Welcome to the WEST where EVERYTHING is a PSYOP

Happy burning your eyeballs lol.

This started off as me trying to spend 15 minutes making a meme to complement some other meme and it turned into a 4 hour agitprop project lol.

Just to acknowledge, I have some controversial things such as the New Pride Flag in the collage of “EVERYTHING” or Neo-Wokeism in the background text, etc. etc. I hope this doesn’t read as any sort of cosign of bigotry or dismissal of intersectional issues, I would like to think we all know the type of shit I’m criticizing here. I’ve always seen the New Pride Flag as a symbol of capital co-opting the queer movement, the flag itself was never not a massive consumerist virtue signal that did nothing to help trans people, it was designed IMO to be a part of the Compatible Left. I understand that nuance will get lost in translation and some fascist conspiracy theorist might go “uhuhuhu based” if they saw the rainbow under a negative connotation, and share, not seeing the anti-fascist dogwhistles throughout, which is actually an ideal scenario, I hope the politically confused anti-elite brain-boiled conspiracy theorist / populists miss such things and accidentally share pro-communist anti-West propaganda. Blah blah blah pragmatism. I understand and respect if any comrades don’t approve though.

Anyways, if you like, feel free to steal and share!! 💜💜💜

  • KiG V2OP
    91 year ago

    C o n s t a n t O v e r s t i m u l a t i o n

    • @redtea
      61 year ago

      You illustrate that perfectly.