I haven’t read this yet, simply skimmed a few sentences here and there. This is really insightful helpful info that every American (and everyone with interest in America) should absolutely check out. The info covers last year, 2022, and how America is changing, spoiler alert, it ISN’T for the better. The writer really didn’t pull punches. This article is essentially China’s version of 2pac’s Hit Em Up. And instead of Notorious B.I.G. as the target, it’s the USA.

  • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
    71 year ago

    Definitely, ppl who are “stoners” or make weed their life is cringe. Can’t say that a few of my friends aren’t like that lol, it has its benefits but the cringe t-shirts in public are tough to be seen w🤣

    • @CannotSleep420
      61 year ago

      The “weed is my personality” people remind me of the Quentin memes. Quentin pwns a stoner

      • SovereignState
        51 year ago

        this is hilarious, especially in its self-seriousness

        (however I did at one point have friends exactly like le stoner)

          • SovereignState
            71 year ago

            What do Stalin, Hitler, Jesse James and Ted Bundy have in common?

            That’s right. They all did things in moderation.