I’ve heard conflicting things about their political orientation.

  • @CommisarChowdahead
    -81 year ago

    Lovely racial slur. I have been advocating on their behalf, sent money to them, and bought their coffee as well. I’m sorry to have criticisms of them, but they have been isolating themselves deliberately, which is an error. I admire the Cubans for sending aid to people who show no solidarity with them and denounce their movement, which is the right choice to make.

    • @aleshasmiles
      151 year ago

      lmao I thought you were engaging in good faith until you said cracker is a slur

          • @CannotSleep420
            11 year ago

            Shit, I meant to reply with this to the other person.

            • @aleshasmiles
              1 year ago

              Ah ok, sorry about the hostility then. Carry on with the good work comrade

      • @CommisarChowdahead
        -101 year ago

        Like I said, it is a weak one, but it is none the less childish to call someone you disagree with names like this.

        • @aleshasmiles
          1 year ago

          I’m not getting into the weeds about this with a stranger, but it’s apparent that you don’t understand that simply using mean name calling against the people in power is not the same as the people in power using hate speech to further their systemic order based on bigotry. You can’t be racist to white people as long as white supremacy is the status quo.

          • @CommisarChowdahead
            -41 year ago

            What power do I have? I’m not a mod of any kind here, and if I had any power in society do you think I would be here? I’ll grant I’m privileged, but power is something else that I neither have nor want.

              • @CommisarChowdahead
                1 year ago

                Do you mean like, being white I have the power to commit hate crimes? I mean, suppose, but like I said I wouldn’t want to do that kind of thing any way.

                • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
                  71 year ago

                  That’s not what is being said, you dense fuck. Calling “cracker” a slur is fucking stupid, because White supremacy is still entrenched as the dominant ideology in the US.

                  • @CommisarChowdahead
                    1 year ago

                    Would you prefer I said epithet? Is that more accurate?

                    You’re right about white supremacy, didn’t I essentially acknowledge that with my comment?

      • @CommisarChowdahead
        -81 year ago

        It’s a slur, if a weak one. But sure, advocating a broader movement built on their successes is chauvinist, I guess.

          • @CommisarChowdahead
            1 year ago

            It’s all I can do short of flying there and picking up a rifle. I’m in and have been in a couple of orgs in real life that have given messages of support their way. What have you done for them?

            • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
              61 year ago

              Correct me if I’m wrong, but if they wouldn’t participate in a proletarian state in the event of one being formed in Mexico, proletarians would end up having to crush them and dispose of their unprincipled practices, right?

              I’m not the one fantasizing about crushing indigenous peoples if they don’t comply

              • @CommisarChowdahead
                1 year ago

                I’m not fantasizing about it, I was asking if it might have to happen. This is not the same as saying that it is should happen, this is wondering if conflict between militant non-Marxists and militant Marxists might come to pass, as it often has before. I reiterate, in what way have you done more than me?

                  • @CommisarChowdahead
                    1 year ago

                    Appeals to normality now, huh? How’s it going? This was in a thread talking about their ideology, and how it is opposed to Marxism. I am not pitting a Mexican settler state against indigenous people in general, I am expecting that a socialist state in Mexico would needs center and prioritize indigenous people, and suggesting that that state might end up in conflict with a specific indigenous organization with a passionate difference in ideology.

        • @lxvi
          41 year ago

          The problem here is genocide, them barely speaking the same language, or sharing the same culture with proletarian Mexico, or even rural Mexico for that matter.

          All of these things that you want to have happened have happened Mexico and exist in the Mexican under currents.

          Why are you putting all of the eggs in one basket as if the rest of Mexico had no sense of self or class conscience? It’s because you don’t know what you’re talking about. All you know is the Zapatistas so you expect a bunch of indians in the jungle with no industrial base or capacity to wage an armed struggle against a far greater foe.

          Again, Mexico has a massive history of socialism, ML, strikes, general coalitions, and everything else you’d be expecting but you don’t know that.

          You don’t know anything about Mexico but you read a thing on the internet. It’s not even that you put too much weight into some hold-out indigenous movement; it’s that you do it at the expense of the rest of Mexico.