They were fully prepared to turn the working populace into slave labor and then the government was shocked to see that descision was unpopular.

One thing that catches my eye about this article is that the Guardian specifies “young people” as the cause for the pushback, Gen Z and Millennials, as if everyone else would be perfectly fine working until they fucking die. Just more “Zoomers bad” rhetoric.

  • @Navaryn
    261 year ago

    god the audacity of capitalists. Did they really think people were just going to accept having to work 10 hours per day every day of the week?

    • @redtea
      141 year ago

      To the ‘democratically elected’ every policy must be what the people want.

    • @Shrike502
      81 year ago

      Why not? We’ve swallowed every other bullshit they tossed our way