• @redshiftedbrazilian
    1 year ago

    Thanks someome needed to say that. Last time I said people here are a little too much into Putin (he is an anticommunist afterall) I got downvoted to oblivion for some reason

    Not supporting NATO or the Ukranazis, but still, things like this makes me think people are forgeting what the critical in critical support mean.

    • SovereignState
      1 year ago

      It is a difficult line to tread. But Putin is not a moron or a deranged megalomaniac like people like to claim, and I am worried that any neutral explanation or overview of he or the things the Russian state does are (or have been) viewed as uncritical support. Every time we discuss something related to Russia, we should not need to add a thousand caveats about how actually horrible they all are or have to defensively retreat into potentially Russophobic territory just to make positions known. Things are nuanced, yes, but I am worried that dialogue will sort of get lost in the sauce of making sure everyone is on the same page about how bad Putin is.

      I guess to say, I don’t see the uncritical support too much. I see a very small amount of Z type comments and such, but most of these seem to be from comrades literally in or from the global south who view the SMO as (insert a thousand geopolitical explanations of what it actually is) the attempted liberation of an oppressed ethnic minority. “Comrade Putin?” comments are still usually made only sardonically. Putin being right on some things boggles the mind of some comrades, surely, but if they believe Putin might be a closet commie or what have you they’re usually corrected by more knowledgeable comrades on the site.

      It’s not exactly the same, but take the Iran-Saudi Arabia peace negotiations. We love to see it. China is leading the way. When reporting on this, is it necessary to incessantly reiterate our disdain for the Saudi regime or Iran’s revolutionary government, to recount all of their shortcomings so we all know that it’s still bad news? I wouldn’t personally think so, even though I think it’s important to remain cognizant of the material issues those nations face. Peace is good and should be celebrated.

      • @redshiftedbrazilian
        31 year ago

        I agree with many things but as the original comment pointed out, Russia anexing Ukraine is not based. I’m from the global south too, my country is part of the BRICS so when I point out these things is not because I need to reiterate that Russia is bad all the time nor that Putin is crazy (he is not) or because of Russophobia. Its because I feel like people are praising things they shouldnt