It’s very common to see on the internet people listing supposed deaths that happened in socialist countries, and normally because of “political assassinations” and “starvations”.

I know there are some lists about United States atrocities but do we have lists about captalism in general (and unlike theirs lists, with actual sources?)

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    Unfortunately I can’t offer a Black Book of Capitalism as it were, however regarding the lists of U.S. atrocities, for any comrades reading who are unsure about the misadventures the Amerikan empire has gotten itself into:

    Rogue State and Killing Hope by William Blum are must-reads. They’re accessible and easy-to-read. The only reason I would cautious against reading is if witnessing the most vile, inhuman information imaginable could send you tailspinning into near-psychosis, like it did me. Be careful, but if you want to be a well-educated anti-imperialist, pick them up. Rogue State is a comprehensive history up to the early 2000s of U.S. terrorist actions worldwide, while Killing Hope is more specifically about the U.S. intervening against popular people’s movements, notably many would-have-been communist revolutions.

    You can find both online as free PDFs with a quick search. The CIA even graciously (mockingly) hosts Rogue State on its website, with a foreword thanking “Sheikh Blum, love Osama” or some other such character assassination filth.