• loathesome dongeater
      83 years ago

      She was always like this. Your comment implies she got corrupted after assuming office. Why do you think so?

      • @Nevar@lemmy.ml
        33 years ago

        Essentially the statement in the article where she says the Democrat Party has now been transformed into a workers party. What she was once heavily critical of she now defends once her party is in ruling power. It was reported yesterday her and her progressive allies are meeting with the President directly, and she’s no longer criticizing kids in cages. Power corrupts.

        • Star Wars Enjoyer A
          63 years ago

          It’s not power that corrupts, it’s motives. AOC’s motive is the accumulation of cloat and the furthering of neoliberalism.

          the Democrats only cared about the ICE tragedy - which was previously overseen by Obama, btw - because they could use it as a means of obtaining support against Trump. They’ve stopped talking about it, simply because it no longer benefits them to - in fact it hurts them. They can’t criticize the detainment of immigrants without also outing themselves as supporters of that detainment, so they’re just not going to.

          • @Nevar@lemmy.ml
            3 years ago

            You’re conflating the democratic party with AOC. AOC might just be a useful idiot here. Hanlon’s Razor.

            I wouldn’t call AOC a neoliberal. I wouldn’t call her a socialist either.

            • @solune
              53 years ago

              I think after a certain point, it doesn’t matter a whole lot what her intentions are, when her actions are consistently in support of neoliberalism.

              • @Nevar@lemmy.ml
                13 years ago

                That’s a good point. She still seems to be useful in advocating for some pro -worker causes at the moment.

            • Star Wars Enjoyer A
              53 years ago

              I’m not conflating her with the DNC, she’s a primary figurehead of the ‘DSA wing of the DNC’ along with ‘the squad’.

              She’s very much neoliberal, and always has been.

              • loathesome dongeater
                43 years ago

                hey just because her voting record screams neoliberal doesn’t mean she is a neoliberal. she said she is a socialist like those in the UK.

                • Star Wars Enjoyer A
                  23 years ago

                  If she was in UK labour, she’d’ve been one of the opportunists who called Corbin an anti-semite.

        • loathesome dongeater
          43 years ago

          She was using kids in cages as a rhetorical tool to make the case that Trump’s regime was an anomaly to the neoliberal capitalist system but now that Dems have majority she won’t push for any legislation against them. This doesn’t mean that she got corrupted upon assuming office. It’s just standard social fascist behaviour. Same thing with universal healthcare. She was harping about of before now she says this is not the right time to talk about it. A social fascist doing social fascist things.

          • @Nevar@lemmy.ml
            13 years ago

            Again, I think this is Hanlon’s Razor (never attribute malice to what can be adequately explained by stupidity.)

            You may be right in your assessment but it’s unrealistic to me that AOC is being malicious in her goals or that she belongs to a group that identify as social fascists. I’m sure if you had a one on one coffee and genuine conversation with her she would come off as a useful idiot who believes in what she says rather than someone whose goal was to trick the left in the USA.

            The left in the US will never achieve power if they think potential allies are enemies rather than idiots. Thinking your enemy is smarter than they actually are is often why we become confrontational.

            • Muad'DibberA
              63 years ago

              I def recommend reading over this list to see why AOC is just an opportunist sheepdog for the democrats. The ultimate issue is that the US is a capitalist dictatorship, and anyone trying to “change the system from within” will end up in a collaborationist role.

              You can’t convince the rich to vote away their wealth, and you can’t undo bourgeois democracy using bourgeois democracy. Any frank study of US history reveals this process play out hundreds of times in a row, and DSA relies on historical ignorance of that history in order to win people over to the controlled opposition.

              • loathesome dongeater
                33 years ago

                Any frank study of US history reveals this process play out hundreds of times in a row, and DSA relies on historical

                There should be a book about this. Not just for USA but for all over the world. I see a lot of hubris and “end of history” mindset from people my age while major events happening right now usually have something similar that has happened before from which we can learn. But try watching mainstream news instead and it feels every problem is happening for the first time in history.

                • Muad'DibberA
                  33 years ago

                  My two fav US history books that highlight this process the most, are Settlers, and a people’s history of the US. Of course socdems / demsocs betraying workers is a thing that’s played out in every single country in the past 100 years, but I’ve only read articles, posts, and sections of books that show this for other countries. The most recent one I read was about “euro-communists”, and the soft-left “socialist” parties in western Europe. JFC Fuck those guys.

                  But ya I’d be interested in Marxist histories of other countries which would unavoidably highlight this process.

            • loathesome dongeater
              43 years ago

              what can be adequately explained by stupidity

              I don’t see any stupidity here. (Unless it’s me being stupid.) She has some goals as a career politician and she is working towards achieving it.