It feels like fucking full-on Social Genocide at this point.

Euthanasia without doing anything at all to help the poor, unemployed, homeless who are most vulnerable to that program, along with the fact of global climate change and the threat of nuclear war are all things that the term “social murder” doesn’t even fully give justice to anymore.

Social murder back in the days of Engels was a lot of the times when somebody starved to death on the streets and the rich were too much of assholes to give said person a single penny. With euthanasia being more restricted back then, nuclear weapons not being invented, and almost nobody knowing about climate change, it felt (in comparison) more like rich people were being dicks and not caring.

So what do I mean by social genocide? While social murder is caused by the ruling class not giving a shit about the oppressed, social genocide is more akin to them actually giving a shit…but instead of helping, they want to exterminate.

When you make it so easy and so recommended for people, especially poor people, to kill themselves, when you are warned so many times about how hurting the environment is fucking you and everyone else over but you do it anyway, and when you threaten so many times to nuke all life out of existence, you are no longer just not giving a shit and occasionally thinking about poor people starving. You are actively, consciously, and intentionally trying to destroy those who are less fortunate than you.

“Social Murder” feels like Disneyland compared to that. Social Murder, in comparison, is like a mass shooting. What I’ve talked about above is, in comparison, like a planet-sized version of Auschwitz and the Killing Fields.

  • @lxvi
    91 year ago

    yeah its a disturbing direction