Tali Perch, writing in Guernica Magazina, chronicles the horrors of Stalin’s repression, banditry, and genocide. She readily conflates him with Hitler. Notably, Stalin’s goons break into poor shtetl homes looking for gold and cash. It was an interesting read about generational trauma. Even so, I have a hard time believing some of the claims put forward. Does someone more knowledgeable than me want to clarify its contents?

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    181 year ago

    I would said the only thing Stalin extracted were their brains and conscience but they did had not any anyways. Pity he did not extracted their balls since gusanoism is hereditary.

    • JucheBot1988
      91 year ago

      Yeah, the author’s entire argument is “I had terrible parents who fed me too much candy and then took me to a back-alley dentist when I got massive tooth decay. This must be Stalin’s fault!”