Title says it all. I don’t exactly know what this account is, but it’s basically a Liberal masking as a Marxist.

  • @201dberg
    171 year ago

    Wait we want to abolish family? I though I just hated mine cause they are overly religious chuds.

    • @ComradeSalad
      1 year ago

      We don’t wish to abolish family in all seriousness. We wish to dismantle traditional nuclear family roles to allow of emancipation, as the nuclear family is a made up construct as in reality “family” is much much larger then a four person household, and vital in developing deep ties between generations, communities, and social bonding. The “It takes a village to raise a child mentality”. The modern nuclear family was designed to “divide and conquer” the working class, and build animosity between generations and culture, while simultaneously oppressing women into only being “homekeepers” and “breeders” first and foremost.

      Basically in summary, patriarchy is bad, familial isolation is bad, community isolation is bad. Multigenerational households/close community are good, everyone pitching in to do their part is good, and mutual love and respect is good.

      • @201dberg
        91 year ago

        I know. lol. I was making a jest…and also my family is legitimately overly religious chuds. Hahaha… ha…ha… God I hate family gatherings.

      31 year ago

      I don’t wanna be disrespectful, but what religion does your family believe in?

      • @201dberg
        31 year ago

        Typical white western Christianity. Idk what denomination. Just that they insist on holding hands in a big circle and praying before each meal.