• @pgtl_10
    301 year ago

    Meanwhile, although Ukraine’s response to the invasion has been heroic and its military has performed brilliantly, the country’s economy is in a shambles, millions of its people have fled, its infrastructure is being destroyed, and much of its mineral wealth, industrial capacity and considerable agricultural land are under Russian control. Ukraine’s military capability and economy are now dependent almost entirely on lifelines from the West

    Then Ukraine’s military hasn’t performed brilliantly if they can’t function on their own.

    I have been hearing this same contradiction multiple times in Western media.

    • @Shrike502
      151 year ago

      There’s this idea floating around, both in anti-Russian and pro-Russian circles - that since Russian military didn’t steamroll all the way to western borders within a week, it has failed and that it is due to “heroic AFU fighting spirit”. An acquaintance of mine from Germany) said the following in spring: “I am suprised the Russians got their nose so bloodied”.


      • @Franfran2424
        91 year ago

        “west said you would steamroll in a week, so since you didnt we won”

        bro mature

        • @Shrike502
          81 year ago

          All sprinkled with claims that “Putin planned to do it in three days/week”, offered with such confidence as if it was said on live tv. Ask for when it was said and by whom - silence.

    • @sinovictorchan
      81 year ago

      The Liberals say that Communist failed only because the Communists do what the Communists said that they will do and not what the Liberals and Fascists say that the Communists will do, like when the USSR followed the Liberal principle more faithfully than the USA which led to the end of the Cold War.

      I could also guess that “Russian control” means “Ukrainian rebel’s control” and that the focus on military violence by “Ukraine” means that Kyiv puppet government is entirely dependent on violence and foreign support. The only thing that Zelenskyy could do is false stage flag terrorism to gain foreign sympathy. The NATO fake news say that Putin only want peace now becuase Putin is losing, but Putin had been calling for peace ever since the Kyiv puppet government stage massacre against civilian in rebelling states 8 years before the Russian military intervention and the only factor that restrict Putin’s invasion is his unwillingness to wage war unless it is for the defence of the rebelling states in Ukraine.