• ButtigiegMineralMap
    121 year ago

    When I think of the US’s future, honestly yes. But globally I have hope. More and more South and Central American nations are starting to seek a path of Socialism in some form or are SocDem at the very least which is a strong turn from the Fascist leaders of its past. I have hope for the world to be more Multipolar, in any way that takes form. The US led Rules Based Order of Unipolar Hegemonic Forces are waning. China is growing and defending itself while masterfully avoiding war and mass sanctions. I have hope for Vietnam and China to become closer in the coming years and decades. I have hope for North Korea to become more prosperous and self-sufficient and honestly Cuba just needs to keep doing its thing and being based af and hopefully the embargoes will end sometime in the future. I know most of what I’m saying isn’t dialectically Material-based but it’s what gives me hope. Also I have hope for Palestine to be free someday