The historical village of Lützerath faces complete razing in the face of a coal mine expansion in 2023, which would displace 1,500 people and destroy several historical landmarks dating back to the year 1000-1800. Including one of the first gothic architecture churches built in 1478.

This site would also be an ecological disaster on an unprecedented scale, destroying nearly 50sq miles of natural terrain and completely destroying all agricultural usefulness of the land, along with the main drive of tourism to the region in the from of several historical old growth forests.

This comes after Germany pledged to phase out coal by 2030. Once again showing the true face of Capitalist Liberalism.

  • 陈卫华是我的英雄
    141 year ago

    So what if we all freeze this winter, at least we’ll be able to transition faster to green energy!

    Anyway time to destroy an entire ancient town for a giant new coal mine which is even worse than crude oil

    German environmentalism at its finest