A sad day for the trans community…

    • Water Bowl Slime
      71 year ago

      I tried looking it up but I’m only getting results from news orgs and know your meme. When it comes to matters like these, if it’s not a tumblr post then I don’t trust the source.

    • @ComradeSaladOP
      1 year ago

      Blahaj became an accidental icon when people on Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, and Tiktok all began noticing that an extremely large percentage of LGBT, particularly trans individuals, owned Blahaj. From there, because he shared the colours of the trans flag he often became a joking stand in for the flag.

      He reached the pinnacle of stardom in 2021 when Switzerland was voting on the Same Sex Marriage Amendment to their constitution, and IKEA ran a large ad campaign in support of it with Blahaj as the center focus.

      Monster Energy is just a meme because LGBT people are overcaffeinated. That’s it. That’s the whole joke haha