(Note OP use the Chinese hammer and sickle, suggesting the straw man supports China, as they see them as a reflection of their ideology, contradicting their argument)

  • stasis
    111 year ago

    nope. no one irl cares about “tankies” anyway

    • @lxvi
      41 year ago

      I think its a stupid name I’d never personally use anyway. You’re right that nobody cares or knows what that word means. If it comes up in conversation I call myself a socialist. If they insinuate that means I believe silly things I remind them they have no idea what they’re talking about; and that essentially it means I believe labor should control the state, and that the so called democracy is nothing more than a dictatorship of the rich which must be overthrown by force. Me being a socialist expressing socialist beliefs has never caused me any great trouble. People don’t care that much and agree with half of it already.