• @supersolid_snake
    1 year ago

    These dumbasses truly believe that the world was disconnected prior to the 21st century because they think the only connections people can have is online. They don’t know that technology spread throughout history, albeit more slowly. Like how do they think humanity advanced.

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      1 year ago

      I always remember people saying at the eve of internet that the world is now based on knowledge. Well this is false even in their own meaning because world was always based on knowledge. Ever since humans learned to communicate those that taught their own knowledge were building on it and accumulating. That’s also why every time some breaktrough in knowledge storage, dissemination and communication occured the progress was also increasing. As i mentioned speech, then writing, then printing, then cheap paper, then letterpress, then radio and telegraph, then internet.

      IP is actually a crime against human civilization.