Before I welcome you all to this weeks Discusstion post I would like to mention that as many of you know, the Former prisident of the Peoples Republic of China, our Comrade Jiang Zemin passed away on November 30th of leukemia. I would like to wish, on behalf of the mod team of GenZedong, and I hope on behalf of the community that we wish our Comrade, Jiang Zemin to rest in peace, his memory shall not be forgotten.

With that out of the way, now I would like to welcome everybody agian! Make yourself at home. Sit down in that chair over there, all I ask is that you use a coaster as I just refinished all the tables. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

We have our own Matrix homeserver at; you can make an account with any Matrix client (e.g. Element). We also have a GenZedong Matrix room (see the sidebar for more information), if you just need more communism talk there is the general Lemmygrad Matrix room at Join our Discord if you are so inclined

Short reading list for new MLs here. To find theory (and other books), you can use z-lib, libgen, or Sci-Hub (for scientific articles). If an article is unavailable, try the Wayback Machine.

    • 陈卫华是我的英雄
      1 year ago

      Normally, I would say no (it’s acancerous shithole where the max post length is 150 characters, thus making citing sources impossible; also they have “promoted tweets” where rich people pay them to spread your tweet by the algorithm) but recently Twitter somehow seems to have become less cancerous somehow, more people on there are realizing that the MSM is lying to them (just look at the comments under this tweet). Also, making people see the light is particularly important now as the imperial core increasingly descends into a revolutionary situation. TLDR; yes, but only if you’re willing to invest time into it (PS at least Twitter is better than Reddit because people actually interact with different people instead of cloistering in echochambers)

        21 year ago

        I’m currently trying to fill the empty niche of communist propaganda in the Italian language, so I’ll try