I don’t have screenshots because it was irl.

So, this person said this stuff in just a few sententces: that British colonialism messed up some countries and borders while it ‘‘benefited’’ other countries like Malaysia, Singapore and few others, that China was a poor country before because Mao was ‘‘incompentent’’ and everyone had to manually build dams, that the reason that PRC is the leading economy today is because I qoute ‘‘Deng Xiaopang was smart enough to call westoid industrialists, gave them workers and told them to do whatever they want with improving the economy etc’’ and that China is always ‘‘stealing’’ westoid products and that’s why they’re quality good now. That China had ‘‘rich countries’’ to look up to such as ''Singapore(which is peak example), fucking Taiwan(in which USA poured a lot of money) and fucking Hong Kong which was made good by British…

Next sentence is defending Isn’t real settler genocide by saying that ‘‘muh Hamas is hiding in hospitals so they have to kill thousands of children to get to them’’ and the examples are 2 killed commanders, that there is no genocide and that they have right to do that because Jews suffered the most in history.

Basically only white man is smart and does good stuff while everyone else is dumb as bricks and needs white man to do something.

Stopping at Berlin was the biggest mistake in history…

  • Eat_Yo_Vegetables69
    6 months ago

    Sounds about right from typical western chauvinists, they won’t be feeling so great once their special privileges run out lol