When the revolution happens do you think it will Marxist-Leninist, because it will have become more popular as it can prescribe a new socialism for our material conditions, or more Anarchistic in character, because of the individualistic ideology of the west?

Edit: thanks everyone for your responses, answering my questions and more.

    2 years ago

    Great to hear others feel the same!

    I would like to add that if you (not you Teezy just in general) think a revolution is impossible in the States, then it will be impossible. You are already going in that all organizing and propagating is in vain. That is no good for leading the working class. There needs to be revolutionary optimism!

    Organizing is essential for us, problem is there’s little amount of experienced ML vets who have practical knowledge to pass on. The info i can find is that there’s only around 5,000 members for the CPUSA, and for the PSL i can’t find any information with them on members or branches, but main take away is dwindling numbers. I am too young to actually join an org but in the mean time Im theoretically preparing myself.

    I am also an open communist and strike discussion with my peers. Maybe its because of the place i hold in my peer group, but I have found people at least paying attention to what I have to say. Something I do find is that most people have class conscious tendencies, but lack the initiative to question media and develop their own thought process or god forbid read theory. This will be an issue, especially with the more privileged strata that are prone to anarchism.

    I think i had something else to say but my brain went all scattered and it went away, ah well.