Probably one of the most incriminating US documents I’ve seen so far. A must-read for every anti-imperialist.

Also, it’s a pretty good article for Wikipedia right now. There’s already talk about “making it neutral” so it could change soon.

  • @knfrmity
    31 year ago

    This topic is also explored in Michael Hudson’s Superimperialism. Toward the end of the sixties/early seventies, particularly with the appointment of Robert McNamara as World Bank president, the US controlled international institutions codified the realization that they needed to impose policies of population control in order to maintain their imperial policies of resource and labour exploitation.

    There’s one particular quote that stood out to me, from Treasury Secretary Morhenthau speaking at hearings on the World Bank in 1945. “Nothing is more menacing to world security than to have the less developed countries, comprising more than half the population of the world, ranged in economic battle against the less populous but industrially more advanced nations of the west.”

    Enforcing population control measures on over-exploited countries is a question of imperial security.

    • MexicanCCPBotOP
      1 year ago

      The part about forced sterilizations really hit me. It’s one of the things they’re claiming China is doing, while US lackeys actually did it on the poorest sectors of their own populations. Yet another case of the US projecting their own crimes against humanity on other governments.