Many communities do not have mass-downvote problems. EDIT: it seems that it’s likely either an incredibly specific (to the post level) bot that so far has not affected any comments, or a discord campaign. There is no other way a post gets so many downvotes in a matter of seconds. EDIT 2: This is actually funny because karma doesn’t even exist on the Lemmygrad; its literally just meaningless numbers on a screen. EDIT 3: According to the Modlog, the mass downvoter has been blocked…for 2 months. Make it 20 years, please. EDIT 4: IMO we should remove the downvote feature and rely more on reporting subversive comments. This way, trolls will have to genuinely create accounts to mess with us; this takes more effort than it does to block them.

  • @201dberg
    151 year ago

    So any instance that decides to federate with us can come on here and downvotes and interact with our instance this subverting the vetting we do on new accounts?

    • Yes, although it doesn’t completely subvert the vetting since the admins can easily ban an entire instance. At this point, it might be better to use a whitelist instead of a blacklist