I jist finished watching Ukraine on Fire.

If the USA would do that… Then I cant even say in good confidence that the USA is even a republic.

If the USA would do that shit anywhere; then how can any of us trust the results of any American election?

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    71 year ago

    I don’t think it’s 100% artificial, all you need to do is talk to the average American for 5+ minutes and you’ll see they speak how their officials do about politics because they don’t understand basic DialMat.

    Republican and Democrat voters really do believe their own bullshit. Just as I once did. You conveniently ignore what your “side” does and harass the other side when they fuck up. It’s a simple Red V Blue, 2 teams, don’t worry about Libertarians or Green Party or anything further left, “just pick red or blue, they’re the only ones who can possibly win”. The vast VAST majority of Americans think this way. The US doesn’t even really have to fake elections because Dems and Reps already pay for 10+x the amount of ads that any 3rd party would pay for. Americans watch plenty of TV and don’t often read. So if you’re the Dem or Republican pumping out ads, Americans will see it and pay more attention to the name they heard 30 times a week than the small candidate who will change their lives for the better.

    • QueerCommie
      21 year ago

      I wouldn’t say the vast majority believes that stuff, it’s just that most people that care about politics think so. Most people (almost two thirds) are just mostly apolitical because they see that the way the mainstream tells them to participate has very little effect, and indulge in the little spoils from imperialism they are given to try to lessen the pain.

      • ButtigiegMineralMap
        21 year ago

        A good correction, I definitely meant among the voters that are entrenched in US politics.