disclaimer: I came up with this timeline a week ago during lunch. I did not do any research and is entirely whimsical. It’s very, very weird.

in 1956, General McArthur was very dissatisfied with President Truman’s unwillingness to nuke China. So he staged a military coup and sent a b-29 loaded with an h-bomb to destroy Beijing. unfortunately, a communist 9-year old poked a hole in the gas tank and the plane crashed in Washington D.C. Unfortunately, President McArthur was not in the white house during the capital’s nuclear annihilation.

Joseph McCarthy immediately accused McArthur of secretly being a communist and staging the accident, and managed to get himself voted president. Every election year after that, he just said all the people who voted against him were communists and that their votes didn’t count.

In 1976 he decided to end the Korean War once and for all, so he ordered the construction of a naval battle station loaded with soldiers. He hoped this would allow him to take over Korea.

However, the battle station was discovered by a soviet aircraft carrier. A plane from the said carrier then fired a rocket into the station’s vent, destroying it.

By this point Americans had gotten fed up with McArthur’s shenanigans. Under the command of the same 9-year old who had destroyed Washington D.C over 20 years ago, the revolutionaries gathered an army and headed for the new captial…

    • commiespammerOP
      41 year ago

      American politicians acting like little kids: the fanfiction