To paraphrase one answer, “Soviet Poland decriminalised same sex acts and equalised age of consent but nothing really changed; gays were still hated.”

Like the government didn’t do enough because the culture and local religion didn’t respect the spirit of the law. Can you imagine the outcry if they took it the next step forward and started trying to re-educate?

It just gets better when they try to reason around what changed in the political landscape over the past 50 years that allows homophobia to run rampant again.

  • 陆船。
    151 year ago

    These people are no different than the people proclaiming the white man’s burden over 100 years ago. They think they have a monopoly on virtue and only they can decriminalize homosexuality.

    It just gets better when they try to reason around what changed in the political landscape over the past 50 years that allows homophobia to run rampant again.

    I love it when libs try to explain causal relationships without citing the actual cause, just some made up bullshit.

    • @Shrike502
      101 year ago

      explain causal relationships without citing the actual cause, just some made up bullshit.

      What idealism does to a mfer

    • @MunrockOP
      1 year ago

      Further: they think their society is the one that will successfully progress past issues like homophobia because their society is changing ‘culturally’ - when they make this comparison, they fully ignore the fact that every time they take two steps forward, their political opposition surge in and take them two steps back. Reliable as the tides. Conservative parties are as much a part of the neoliberal cultural landscape as progressives - but they’re conveniently absent when ‘Western’ values are compared to others.

      Meanwhile they have nothing but contempt for societies that inch forward, fully aware of the repercussions of forcing change on their cultures without giving them time to adjust. Each generation has been more tolerant than its predecessor, carefully disentangling ideas of tolerance and acceptance from neoliberal selfishness. It’s not a kind of progress that’s recognised by their Disney world view.