Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. Sit down in that chair over there. Take off your shoes, please. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

We have our own Matrix homeserver at https://genzedong.org; you can make an account with any Matrix client (e.g. Element). We also have a GenZedong Matrix room (see the sidebar for more information), and there’s a general Lemmygrad Matrix room at #internationale:genzedong.org.

Join our Discord if you are so inclined

  • @Beat_da_Rich
    2 years ago

    The most annoying thing is that they proudly see themselves being on “the left.”

    Like, the arrogance of loudly subscribing to an ideological camp without actually educating themselves on the bare minimum of what that even means.

    • @TeezyZeezy
      72 years ago

      I know, I hate it when fascists and conservatives (saying the same thing twice) lump them in as “the left” too.

      It’s harmful as fuck because it reinforces their ideological barrier that nothing further left of neoshitteralism exists and makes us look bad by lumping us in with mildly centrist/center-right fools.

      Even worse when they self describe themselves lol

      • @Beat_da_Rich
        52 years ago

        God I’m watching them all unravel out of desperation. They’re still posting these selfies, even from states that are called already. This is honestly really sad to watch.

        You would hope this would be a radicalizing moment, but then again, I won’t be surprised if they just keep digging their heads deeper in sand. It really is like trying to turn people away from an abusive spouse.