Removed Israel and ROC because that’s obvious. Also can anyone enlighten me on why Pakistan doesn’t recognise Armenia?

  • Proper term is “fuck makhzen” it’s the ruling monarchy.

    • search the rif riots of 58
    • El makhzen started the sand war with algeria right after the war
    • It is confirmed that king hassan II leaked info to the zionist entity which lead to the arab loss in the 6 day war
    • the kids in the Atlas are living in conditions worse than Afghanistan.
    • The rif region has had protests since 2016 because of how underdeveloped the region is.
    • keep in mind reading the past two point the current king has a net worth of 40 billion usd
    • El makhzen has forced the moroccan people into wars they have no business in like the Gulf War the yemen civil war the central African civil war and somehow more
    • El makhzen buys Isr*eli weapons and has supported the entity buying drones meds and even beers from it (???)
    • even though the country uses every opportunity to show off the Jewish diversity, the jews live in slums.
    • Morocco voten in favor of Isr*el joining the African Union.

    There’s more, but it could be basically summarized in that the monarchy is an extention of Western imperialism to exploit Africa, it’s the reason not many care about western Sahara they see arab Muslim africans colonizing other arab Muslim africans and don’t think of it colonialism, also the dick riding for the zionist entity is crazy.

    • ash! [she/her]
      31 year ago

      Fuck Makhzen then, especially if they support the Zionist regime