You could post the entire website here lol

  • @SpaceDogs
    142 years ago

    Doctors over here make you poop in a cup to screen for any illnesses too so……

      2 years ago

      Almost like that’s a standard medical practice being blown up into a conspiracy theory!

      This shit happens all the time. They thought infrared thermometers, you know, the kind nurses point at your forehead to check if you have a fever and were extensively used to screen for potential covid symptoms, were some mind control ray the DEEP STATE was using to turn you into a commie, or gay, or whatever. I wish I was joking.

    • @panic
      102 years ago

      Went to the allergist few years back and they asked for a “coprological examination” 💀 This is a real thing that doctors use… to the point that lab technicians don’t even flinch when you show them the indication.

      This is anti-science propaganda with a fascist flavour