Like history class I know damn well it’s propaganda but I have a A in it and a and b honor roll overall and getting close to A honor roll so what are you grades. Also I know Libs like to believe we’re and lazy stupid

  • DankZedong A
    2 years ago

    I fluctuated a lot. I never had any problem with learning and getting good grades but I found out pretty early that I could do the bare minimum, get 6/10 and pass. So that’s what I did. I had periods early on in high school where I grinded hard and got straight 10/10s. My English teacher saw I was bored a lot and send me to Cambridge University to take their English course, which I passed and which left me with a Cambridge degree.

    I’m not brilliant or anything but I could do anything if I wanted to. But laziness, a period of hard crime in my teens and mental health issues later on prevented me from doing my best.

    College was not that much better, dropped out a few times, graduated for some. Eventually I ended up in a job requiring a higher degree than I currently have. I’m currently following a new degree in social work while also working as a social worker.

    Overall I did pretty good but I never was a school person I guess. Which is fine. I turned out fine. Some people just don’t benefit from our education oriented society. I always felt happier working.