The ‘fall of heat’ filled with protests and strikes saw one of the bigger protests today in Brussels, where 25000 people marched against climate change.

Next up is the nation wide strike of November 9th

  • DankZedong OPA
    62 years ago

    The protest is a reaction on the international climate conference in Egypt starting November 6th.

    There were different parties present: unions, political parties, random orgs etc. The main focus was on nationalizing the energy market, seizing current record profits, creating a right to energy and a right to a home for everyone and more attention to the global food distribution, with a focus on food insecure regions.

    What stood out apparently was that their were a lot of young people present.

    • @Shrike502
      32 years ago

      The main focus was on nationalizing the energy market, seizing current record profits, creating a right to energy and a right to a home for everyone and more attention to the global food distribution, with a focus on food insecure regions.

      Ah, that makes sense. Thank you.

      What stood out apparently was that their were a lot of young people present.

      Makes sense. They’re realising how raw of a deal they’ve got