I 100% know and understand why we hate Rowling, she deserves all the hate she gets, but why do we hate the work itself? I watched those movies when I was little when they were on TV, now couldn’t care less, and only interesting part to me are mythical creatures/monsters. But I still forgot why do we hate it so much??

Can someone remind me and explain me?

  • @folaht
    2 years ago

    But I still forgot why do we hate it so much??

    Because it’s about a single school for gifted out of touch with the real world kids as they are systemically secluded from it and whose lives revolve around the pursuit of the highest social standings within this ivory tower aristocracy.

    Because the kids are divided into four classes that doesn’t represent how the people see themselves, but what the ruling class sees the rest. One is the leadership house, as the ruling class they are chosen to be privileged among the privileged to see who among them are to be most privileged of them all, represented by a lion. One is the brainiac working class, they are to lack too many social skills to ever rule so they’re thrown into the house of smart lackeys. Then there’s the house of the lower working class, who should lack both the intelligence and persuasion skills, so they are to be the dumb lackeys, and finally there’s the house for people that doesn’t accept the status quo represented by a snake.

    Because there’s nature vs. nurture, which I think it’s almost all nature and then there’s Harry Potter who seems to have zero self-doubt, trauma, flawless world skills and an apparent instinctive expertise while growing up under a stair case alone in a domestic abusive household with both parents and brother being all three abusive against him.

    Because the story has slave elves who should know that not getting paid for work is good for them when they’re being treated nicely.
    It also has hooknosed goblin bankers who should be told that being systemically greedy is bad. Now read this paragraph again.

    And although this might not gel with many here, Hermione in the movie series (not the book series) is a you-go-girl and Ron Weasley a you-suck-guy (doubly so, as they didn’t just upgrade Hermione, but Harry as well at Ron’s expense) and while Hermione is not a Mary Sue like too many main character women in other movie franchises these days, it makes the relationship between the two feel really awkward. She’s perfectly flawless and always brave and has a multitude of boys/men to choose from, he has nothing going for him and always a coward. How does that work as a relationship?