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  • MexicanCCPBot
    112 years ago

    As an artist, fuck AI-generated art. It started as a funny novelty but it’s gotten too good lately, and that’s gonna be terrible for workers. This shit is gonna put all but the most original artists out of jobs, that is, the elite 1% with the best material conditions that lead them to improve their craft the most and make the best art that AI can’t replicate (yet). Your average commercial artist or illustrator working under a non-creatively-inclined client that doesn’t care about originality will go out of business because of this. AI researchers apparently have no intention of stopping, it’s only a matter of time until they manage to make perfect AI-generated anime or even AI-generated music.

    The average person does not care where the product is sourced from as long as it meets their needs: chocolate, gold or diamonds could be made by literal slaves, clothes could be made on highly polluting sweatshops, and music could soon be made by a machine ripping off/combining songs made by real artists who are neither being paid nor credited for making the training data, the consumer none the wiser.

    I don’t get what need is being solved by developing this monstrosity, I mean, even under socialism, what good would this be for? “From each according to their ability” means artists should be able to self-actualize, work as artists and LIVE plainly off their art under socialism since this is their best ability! We need to employ every single human artist out there! We artists LIKE making art! We’re not being freed from tedious jobs by having engineers automate art; believe it or not there are artists/designers who actually enjoy making design languages and corporate clip art, as making everyday tasks into aesthetic experiences is a meaningful job to them! We should be giving them more chances to make the world a prettier place, not take them away!

    Why is no one consulting artists on this, what exactly would they like to have automated, and what they wouldn’t? Fuck.

    • @seanchai
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • MexicanCCPBot
        42 years ago

        I agree completely. I don’t think there’s enough talk about the ethics of just grabbing someone else’s entire online art portfolio and putting it in a program that generates more like it without even letting the artist know. And then they’ll try and argue that artists are all influenced by other artists, yeah, that’s true, we tend to like being emulated by other fellow human artists, what we don’t like is being mechanically ripped off for commercial purposes without credit, compensation, not even permission by an AI.

        It could be great if we could direct these developments towards automating certain menial tasks that artists don’t really like to do, but no, this is trying to get rid of the artist altogether.