This probably is a stupid question that I should know as a Marxist-Leninist, but I have been thinking about how close we are to potential global changes and revolutions popping off. Of course MSM will not cover it; so my question remains ----> How will we figure it out? I’d imagine things like Twitter and other large platforms would censor revolutionary content…

Again, apologies if this is a stupid question, but I’m curious

  • @Beat_da_Rich
    2 years ago

    Can only speak as an American about America, but my opinion is that so much of the current legwork of building revolutionary potential will be generational work.

    For good reason Millennial and Gen Z are overwhelmingly anticapitalist, even if class consciousness hasn’t fully developed for most to formally identify as communist. Not only that, racial and ethnic animosities are way more reduced with Millennials and Gen Z too, which is one of the primary contradictions dividing American workers.

    The next generation of youth raised by these current generations will likely only grow more radical. Things are certainly only going to get worse here for the majority of people economically. Obviously socialism in the US isn’t some inevitible prophesy, but baby boomers dying and aging onto irrelevancy is very bad news for the ruling class.

    You know that Tracy Chapman quote? “They’re talking about a revolution. It sounds like a whisper.”