Hello, baby Marxist here!

Personally mine was reading.

When I was a liberal I loathed reading and found it hard to even read a short article. I rarely researched everything I heard, and as a teenager, I was like every other liberal, getting my news off social media.

Now I make sure to research everything, however, getting into theory is a bit hard. Most of the information I learned about communism was through fellow comrades, because like before, I got my information from other people’s comments.

Currently I’m restoring my motivation for reading by starting small. Reading long comments from comrades helped a lot. I’ve now moved on to reading information from leftist sources without effort, and I’m starting on reading the communist manifesto.

Enough about me, what were your side effects?

  • DankZedong A
    232 years ago

    I boycotted Chinese shit for a while because of Uyghurs lmao. At least I actually followed up on my vision then, can’t say that for a lot of liberals.

    I feel your thing about reading. I was so smug and thought I knew everything but I didn’t read one news article, paper, book, rarely watched informative channels etc. How can you be so sure if you don’t learn about stuff?

    • @Franfran2424
      122 years ago

      The biggest success of the liberal propaganda is managing to create people who feel they are informed but are completely unwiling to learn. The sad horror that people have been made to dilike reading by making their brains get used to short bursts of information, so that longer efforts overwhelm it

      • DankZedong A
        92 years ago

        Which is really sad. I love reading again. I read a lot of books these days, from theory to manga to mindless novels and I won’t ever give it up again. I hope more people rediscover reading.

        • @bobs_guns
          72 years ago

          yesss I love reading terrible terrible web novels that go on for 5000 chapters. we are living in a time when there are thousands of little Charles Dickens in your phone, it’s incredible