For those unable to watch, the clip is from before the war began. Biden says that in the event of a Russian invasion into Ukraine, there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. “We will bring an end to it.”

The reporter asks how they would do it since it’s outside US jurisdiction. “I promise you we will be able to do it.”

Edit: Full interview (03:42)

  • Arthur Besse
    2 years ago

    I’ve seen this 39-second edit of this clip posted a few times today, and it leaves out some important context.

    In the 3m42s version you can see that this was a joint press conference with Chancellor Scholz, and the reporter’s question was specifically as to whether Scholz had agreed to make this threat (invasion means canceling Nord Stream 2). And, as can be seen from Scholz’ subsequent reply, at that time the answer was in fact very much that Scholz was not yet willing to explicitly make that threat.

    So, the context of Biden’s smirk at the end of the 39s clip is that he is standing next to the Chancellor of Germany while explaining that this reporter’s stated assumption that “the project is within Germany’s control” was incorrect.

    • loathesome dongeaterOP
      62 years ago

      at that time the answer was in fact very much that Scholz was not yet willing to explicitly make that threat

      He didn’t explicitly make that threat but seems like he is in line with whatever the American expectations are. He basically says that Germany will do whatever America will ask them to do.