Africa having a field day today. This quote is upvoted by the same people that want no queen slander whatsoever.

Europe is becoming completely unhinged in their joined effort to…? To do what exactly? Financially destroy themselves to own the Russians?

If we don’t go all out in a nuclear war for the above mentioned reason then I wonder where the European socdems draw the line.

  • @Mzuark
    282 years ago

    The people talking about overthrowing Putin are particuarly absurd. Yeah, they should just get scores of people killed and overthrow their own government because…reasons. That totally won’t backfire on them when NATO marches in and takes over.

    • @Idliketothinkimsmart
      222 years ago

      99.9% of the people who say stuff like that are literally kicked up at home with politicians who have sub 40% approval ratings 😮.