If I don’t clickbait the title people don’t click.

With the recent events happening in Gaza, I decided to first tackle this line of argument in my essay Zionism is antisemitism, and Palestine.

People were quick to say “yes Israel is bad, but Hamas…” (kidnapped 200 people, killed 1000, take your pick).

When you’re saying this, you’re actually saying that one israeli is worth 7 Palestinians. Read that again if you need to; it’s an ethnosupremacist position.

What is the logical conclusion of this argument? What is it supposed to achieve except convey empty platitudes and declaring to the world that you just don’t care enough to have any valuable input?

It’s fine not to care. I’m not your dad, I’m not going to try and change you.

But don’t declare it publicly. Don’t proudly say “well actually both sides are bad”. You don’t look smarter or wiser than anyone else who is taking a clear stance. You’re not taking the “middle ground”. Everyone who has taken sides and is trying to be productive about this (and not just the Gaza genocide, but really any situation where you can apply “both sides”) really doesn’t have time for this holier-than-thou bullshit.

Gaza “kidnapped” 200 settlers and that’s a war crime apparently. It’s not really, but whatever. Let’s say it is. Israel has killed 7000+ Palestinians in retaliation, now likely more than 10k as they cut off communications in Gaza last night.

Both sidesers: what’s your solution to this. If you say anything other than “I should not get involved” then you don’t actually believe both sides are bad and you are picking a side. It’s time you realize where you stand.

  • Idliketothinkimsmart
    11 months ago

    Being bullied by zionists into condemning Hamas is weak shit tbh.

    Actual zionist supporters live very ineffective political lives, and the most expression they have is online.

    • CriticalResist8OPA
      11 months ago

      This is something I repeat often, because it needs repeating forever. You don’t see any pro-Israel protests anywhere. At most they try to frame 100 people as 10000. Meanwhile London Bridge was completely full of people yesterday. Literally packed to the brim of people protesting for Palestine.

      Our governments are completely disconnected from the common folks, they support Israel but nobody else does. That’s the reason they make it so difficult to be pro-Palestine (declaring protests illegal, threatening vocal supporters into silence…), they don’t want you to realize just how popular the Palestinian cause actually is.

      I hope it ends up waking up progressives who protested for Palestine and realize that we don’t live in democracies, and our governments take decisions between themselves without any regard for popular opinion.