Anything you all use would be appreciated

  • commet-alt-w
    2 years ago

    people’s dispatch, they also do a talkshow, on yt, with their journalists for daily stuff which gets a lot of good info out

    closely related to the tri continental institute/vijay/btnews crew/the punch out/ben norton/the left lens/guerrilla pod. looks like they’re all friends and frequently lift each others work up for a leftist voice that’s severely lacking


    should also note dongsheng news as a part of tri continental institute. doing reporting on africa/china relations, also have a yt channel

    on a personal/irrelevant note, i wish rania khalek would take me back to lebanon with her and wife me

    edit 2:

    also worth mentioning that many of these journalists/orgs were part of this years /people’s summit/, and there’s many more to check out. so many really beautiful people from all around the world were a part of that, many of them journalists or part of organizations well worth keeping up with. official website

    edit 3:

    also, if you are in usa or curious about usa, can’t forget fight back news, they also have a podcast with a lot of really good interviews with long-time organizers from many working class movements, i just listen on yt. their red-theory articles has been some good and concise marxist theory, and they have those red aloud through the tankie talk yt channel

    edit 4:

    adding more conveniance links to stuff.

    also, want to mention makc (millennials are killing capitalism), they do a lot of great interviews with organizers in the struggle, some of it international struggles