Anything you all use would be appreciated

    • @pgtl_10
      12 years ago

      Isn’t Moon of Alabama a far right racist site?

      • commet-alt-w
        12 years ago

        first saw them for honest reporting on the russia/ukraine conflict. haven’t seen anything far right from them. seems very anti establishment/liberal media. could have missed something tho, so I am curious if there’s anything to back up that claim

  • @afellowkid
    122 years ago

    The New Atlas does good videos about U.S.-backed destabilization efforts in various countries (think updates on CIA and NED-instigated color revolution activities), normally he focuses on Asia as he is located there but lately he gives detailed updates on Ukraine and cites his sources. He is former military so he has some interesting things to say when he calls out Western lies and hyperboles about what is going on there.

  • blueberries
    42 years ago

    I can also recommend mronline. They aggregate interesting posts from different leftist blogs around the web, so you can always stumble upon a new blogger you might like.

  • commet-alt-w
    2 years ago

    people’s dispatch, they also do a talkshow, on yt, with their journalists for daily stuff which gets a lot of good info out

    closely related to the tri continental institute/vijay/btnews crew/the punch out/ben norton/the left lens/guerrilla pod. looks like they’re all friends and frequently lift each others work up for a leftist voice that’s severely lacking


    should also note dongsheng news as a part of tri continental institute. doing reporting on africa/china relations, also have a yt channel

    on a personal/irrelevant note, i wish rania khalek would take me back to lebanon with her and wife me

    edit 2:

    also worth mentioning that many of these journalists/orgs were part of this years /people’s summit/, and there’s many more to check out. so many really beautiful people from all around the world were a part of that, many of them journalists or part of organizations well worth keeping up with. official website

    edit 3:

    also, if you are in usa or curious about usa, can’t forget fight back news, they also have a podcast with a lot of really good interviews with long-time organizers from many working class movements, i just listen on yt. their red-theory articles has been some good and concise marxist theory, and they have those red aloud through the tankie talk yt channel

    edit 4:

    adding more conveniance links to stuff.

    also, want to mention makc (millennials are killing capitalism), they do a lot of great interviews with organizers in the struggle, some of it international struggles