The recent 70,000-strong demonstration in Prague has been slandered in a similar fashion

  • SovereignState
    2 years ago

    As soon as the SMO happened, CNBC and CNN were positioning the NATO bloc as “left-wing”, “liberal”, “democratic”, and Russia, Belarus, the DPR and the LPR as “right-wing”, “imperialist”, and “authoritarian”.

    It is incredible how the flip has been switched so dramatically. Now that the CIA and NGOs are recruiting “cisgender, bisexual neurodivergent POCs” they’re getting very good at manipulating culture-war indicative and leftist-sounding language to confuse liberals and socdems into supporting fascist imperialism. ANYONE who is against NATO expansionism, especially if they are a Russian neighbor, is a “right-wing”, “fascist” “authoritarian” “imperialist” regardless of any of their other ideals. The communist parties could have been out there and they’d be decried as fascist.

    Honestly I also don’t give a shit if the protests were organized by general anti-communists or generic nationalists. I give no iota of a shit what their domestic political goals look like in this context. They are protesting fascist expansionism. Good. Communists should be taking the reins of these movements and capitalizing on the mass energy, but it’s good that they’re happening nonetheless.

    • @holdengreen
      102 years ago

      my dad falls for the CIA op too easily

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      102 years ago

      The communist parties could have been out there and they’d be decried as fascist.

      They are anyway, 70 years constant talk about “totalitarianism” did that to a mfers.