• Star Wars Enjoyer A
    132 years ago

    I want to add to this point;

    When the leader is of a friendly disposition it’s intended to make all of the victories and accomplishments bolster public support for the leader. When it’s an unfriendly character, it’s for the opposite.

    When it’s a friendly character but something bad happens, they’ll blame the empowered individuals under them (generals, politicians, etc.). And when it’s an unfriendly one, when something good happens it’s anyone but the great leader’s doing.

    As an example, when abortion was banned in the US media started talking about the Supreme court, never mentioning Biden. But in the transverse, if abortion was banned in China media would be mentioning Xi every article.

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      2 years ago

      Yes, it’s called “Good Tsar syndrome”, because how often and successfully it was used by the Romanov dynasty (others did it too all the time, but they are the most spectacular, long time and recorded case). Bloody Nicky failed miserably at this though and that added to his demise.