• ProleEntelechyOP
    2 years ago

    What about the parts referring to China as a form of ruthless State Capitalism?

    • lxvi
      2 years ago

      Ruthless State Capitalists don’t abolish poverty. Communist theory tells us that there are inescapable contradictions within capitalism. Look around you and see those contradictions in practice. If China was a ruthless state capitalist society they would have to deal with the same contradictions afflicting the west. Over the last year China has had its own 2008 moment. How did it deal with it? Did it protect the capitalists? The government told them to meet their commitments if it cost them their heads. Are you suggesting there can be ruthless state capitalism without ruthless capitalists? Or that ruthless state capitalism would be able to effectively manage the welfare of the people instead of enriching the capitalist class at the degradation of society, a condition of capitalism clearly examined by Marx in Capital.

      If China was ruthlessly state capitalist nobody would have a negative word to say about it in the west. It wouldn’t be the unstoppable spektor it is.

      China has already raised itself to the next stage of civilization. It exhibits the signs of its elevated stage.

      Seriously stop and examine this: there is no way to escape the inherent contradictions within capitalism except through elevating beyond the boundaries of capitalism.