• @cfgaussian
    142 years ago

    I swear these people are secretly accelerationists doing everything they possibly can to destabilize their own system. However because it’s Europe which is the most racist and the most devoid of class consciousness of all places on Earth, it won’t be a communist revolution, it’ll just be a return of fascism.

    • @ProleEntelechy
      72 years ago

      I find that hard to be true of all of Europe, at least compared to America. Doesn’t Europe have a considerably high unionization rate? Last I checked, about 10% of America’s workforce was in a union.

      • DankZedong A
        62 years ago

        Depends on the country. 3+ million Belgian people are in a union (total population of 11 million). In The Netherlands it’s less. German and France have good numbers as well.

        The original comment is a bit short of nuance I think. In Belgium the Marxist party is making serious leaps forward in terms of support. Leftist groups all over gain traction as material conditions worsen. But so do the right-wing groups. But it’s not just ‘Oh, they are racist and fascism is certainly coming’. We’re combatting that daily with our party over here.